We value children at Faith Community Church and serve them through many ministries.
During Worship Services we offer Sunday School classes and a seasonal Children's Choir. Good News Club meets during the school season, and we have Vacation Bible School each summer.
During Worship Services we offer Sunday School classes and a seasonal Children's Choir. Good News Club meets during the school season, and we have Vacation Bible School each summer.
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14

Sunday School classes for Nursery to sixth grades start in the sanctuary with their family..
Sixth grade meets in the EB Center.
Sixth grade meets in the EB Center.
Church Time for 2 years through Kindergarten
meets in the Children's Wing.
meets in the Children's Wing.
9:30am-10:45am after the worship music
Children's Choir typically meets during the school year. and is currently on hiatus.
They gather in the second service in the EB Center for grades 1-12 .
They gather in the second service in the EB Center for grades 1-12 .